January 15, 2016

New Feature On My Blog! Looking For Romance Book Reviewers. Romance Authors Who Want To Review and Promo Are Welcome.

Occasionally I'll have Guest Bloggers on my blog who will review some of their favorite books.  And as a bonus, they will also provide a sneak peek of their own work if they are an author. My first reviewer in this new feature is Kari Thomas.  Her post will go live on

You can be a part of this too!  Do you have a favorite romance novel or romance novel series you'd like to review?  Then do it here!

This feature is open to reviewers who read all heat levels and combinations of romance.  Romance authors, as an added bonus- once you write your review, you can also promo your book too.  It will be in the same article.

A double whammy of sorts.

So if you like to join us and exposing the world to some of your favorite books, drop me a line at spacefan58@aol.com!

Please see page regarding guest reviewers.

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